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Drew Brodsky

Major: B.S. Sound Recording & Engineering

Senior, 2020

Extracurricular Activities/Leadership Positions: Audio Engineering Society - Vice President

Project: Student Showcase Mix

Description: The clips in the current project section are all recordings that I have done in Webster's Studio A. Most of the projects have been for practice and some have gotten the attention of listeners who want more. I have been fortunate enough to create and maintain relationships throughout my time at Webster that I think will benefit me in the future.

Q: What do you like the most about Webster?

A: I enjoy the freedoms and ability to create. I find that Webster supplies it's students with techniques and necessary equipment to really strive for greatness. The audio department in particular has given me countless opportunities to find work for myself and dedicate a lot of time to practicing my craft. I am forever grateful for my time spent at Webster as it has proven to show my work ethic and how my skillset can grow.

Q: What are some future academic or professional goals that you have?

A: Right after College I hope to be a freelance A/V engineer for a corporate audio company based out of Nashville for a few years to see how that side of the industry works. Then, if the time is right and I am still interested, I would like to pursue a Master's of Architecture with an emphasis in Acoustics to be able to design and build various audio or performance based spaces. I aspire to own and operate a professional recording studio that does anything and everything audio someday.

Featured; June 2020