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Drew Fisher

Major: Advertising and Marketing Communications
Minor: Interactive Digital Media

Junior, 2021

Extracurricular Activities: Resident Assistant, Webster LEADS, Student Ambassador, Gorlok Guide Manager, and Chordloks

Project: The Way It Should Be.

Description: The assignment was to provide a copy writing guide and executions based on one product feature. My writing partner and I worked with the 125 point inspection that CarMax provides when you purchase a vehicle. We decided to address all the negative experience when buying a car elsewhere (Barry Smith- CarMax Final).

Q: What do you like the most about Webster?

A:  Professors actually work in the industry, providing current feedback and insight. The hands-on approach means students are ready for the workforce.

Q: What are some future academic or professional goals that you have?

A: Continue to work with creative/clever people to create great work in class and/or an agency. I want to start an Ad/Mar comm club at Webster before I leave!