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Mallory Ingles

Major: Film, Television and Video Production

Senior, 2020

Extracurricular Activities/Leadership Positions: First Year Program as Connection Leader, Webster CRU

Project: Delicate

Description: An experimental film that uses natural effects to illustrate the environment of the home. Objects, filters and elements of a home are used in front of the lens to create the look and atmosphere. Sounds from ones home is weaved throughout, giving an alluring sense of familiarity mixed with confusion. Experimental has always been a passion of mine and I continue to create more!

Q: What do you like the most about Webster?

A:  One of the things I like most about Webster is the opportunities presented throughout the four years of college. I have received jobs, studied abroad in Europe and have experienced events that I wouldn't have had the chance to otherwise from attending Webster.

Q: What are some future academic or professional goals that you have?

A: My future goal as a filmmaker is to be a cinematographer/director, continuing to create films that I'm passionate about, whether it be for a company or independently. I have a specific vision to work on narrative films and music videos/experimental films, I've always had more of a creative side that comes out through imagery. Having a minor in advertising/marketing, I would also love to dabble in a side job of design.

Featured; July 2020